徵求中文牧師 CM Pastor Search

St. Mark’s becomes an independent church in 1993 and starts its service at the current location in 1998. St. Mark's mission is devoted to glorifying God as a unified body of believers who worship in spirit and in truth and shine His light upon our local communities for the transformation of all through the love of Christ.

哈崗信義會聖馬可堂於一九九三年成為信義會獨立教會, 及在一九九八年在現址開始崇拜. 我們全心仰望天父, 以心靈誠實敬拜祂, 本上帝的救恩, 基督的愛, 致力傳揚福音, 關懷社群, 為主發光, 榮耀上帝, 成就福音大使命。


信義會聖馬可堂尋找主任牧師, 主要的職責包括教導、治理、與關懷. 教導事工包括以釋經式講道的主日講台服事, 主日學的服事, 並裝備及成全聖徒, 各盡其職, 一同建造教會. 治理事工包括與其他長老和執事們, 一同推動和參與教會的各樣事工, 造就門徒, 廣傳福音. 關懷事工包括關懷會眾, 推動團契事工, 和帶領教會的關懷事工.

申請人需要神學院畢業, 道學碩士畢業, 及有在北美華人教會牧養教會的經驗為更佳. 主任牧師要愛神愛人, 信仰純正, 忠心服事基督, 做會眾們的榜樣, 善於教導、治理、和關懷, 並愛護會眾, 熱心傳揚福音. 主任牧師要能領導教會, 與中英文同工一同配搭服事.


申請人請將履歷電郵至 stmarkslcc@gmail.com 我們收到申請資料後, 將會盡快審閱, 一直到職位尋找完成. 

Position Title (職位名稱): Cantonese Service Pastor

Job Location (工作地點): At Church/Remote

Job Duration (工作時間): Full-time

Job Description (事奉工作職責):

Duties & responsibilities

This person will work with the deacon committee in the planning and implementation of various projects and programs within the church at large.

Preaching and Teaching





Desired Qualifications & Skills (對應聘者的要求)

Education: Master of Divinity from an accredited seminary.

Experience: 3 or more years of pastoral ministry experience in North America.

Language: Cantonese; and conversational Mandarin and English.

Ministry Skills:

Contact: Christopher Wu

Email (電郵): stmarkslcc@gmail.com

Phone (電話): 562-607-9397